Thursday, January 20, 2011

Making a Terrarium

CBS Sunday Morning's clip on terrariums, reminded me of how much I have wanted to make my own indoor garden.  I found it's a great project for kids too.  First we added the rocks for drainage.

 Then we added the dirt, planted the plants, and had fun adding a gnome and creating a decorative stone walkway.

Since this blog is about re-purposing materials, we also made one in a Mason Jar.  We used some backyard moss and put in a dinosaur.  This project was really fun for all of us.


  1. I love this, Amy (and can't wait to see it is person!).

  2. Thanks, H. I completely left out the pics of the mess we made, I should have included them for honesty's sake.

  3. Such a cool project, you awesome mom!
