Monday, January 24, 2011

Creativity Challenge: Emotion

This past Saturday, I met up with The Richmond Photography Meet up Group at Dogwood Dell for a creativity challenge.  We all drew an assignment from a paper bag, I got "emotion."  It was really cold but these are the highlights from the shoot.

Fellow photographers were kind enough to shoot a photo with my Snow Globe 365 project.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Making a Terrarium

CBS Sunday Morning's clip on terrariums, reminded me of how much I have wanted to make my own indoor garden.  I found it's a great project for kids too.  First we added the rocks for drainage.

 Then we added the dirt, planted the plants, and had fun adding a gnome and creating a decorative stone walkway.

Since this blog is about re-purposing materials, we also made one in a Mason Jar.  We used some backyard moss and put in a dinosaur.  This project was really fun for all of us.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Experiments with a Circular Polarizer

A circular polarizer is used with outdoor photography to deepen the intensity of blue skies, reducing glare and cutting reflections.  As you can see from the first photo taken from the side view mirror, there is a reflection from what's outside.  The second is a photo using the polarizer where it has reduced the reflection. This is also supposed to work with water, too.  Here is an example.
The sky is definitely richer with the polarizer.  I am looking forward to using it with some sunsets soon.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Open Book

Need some new decorations in your home, but money is tight and you'd really like to work with what you have? Are you really going to read that Alfred Hitchcock book again, if ever? It's doubtful.  Fold it up, make it new!

 Experiment with various folding techniques. Kick it old school with some of our mad middle school notebook folding skills.  Or try this or better yet, this (puts my folding project to shame!) Enjoy, simplify and make the most of what we have! Treasures await, even under layers of dust.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


This photo was taken at LGBG, during their New Year's Eve Frolic. There are a bunch of dollhouses in the LG library and this diner one is my favorite!

Happy New Year! May 2011 knock your socks off with awe and abundance!