Thursday, December 30, 2010

Double Exposures

My 365 Project is really pushing me to learn my camera backwards and forwards.  Today I played with my camera's double exposure feature.  I could have done it for hours!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Festive Night Photography-Happy Holidays!

365 Days of Snow Globes

Yesterday, in anticipation of Noah Scalin's book signing of 365 A Daily Creativity Journal, I began shooting what I thought was going to be a year of self portraits, but that's been done. Inspired by the reflective quality of my children's snow globe, I fired off some shots.  Here it is.  I'm going with it.  I vow to photograph a snow globe every day for the next 365 days.  I hope to use interesting lighting, seasons, surroundings, people and different globes. Let's turn this creative trickle into a full-on flame, friends! 

 Day one, done. Only 364 to go.  Visit and feel free to follow Snow Globe 365. It's gonna be crazy.  I will try hard to hone my skills, push myself, and entertain, but I will need support.  As Noah says, a project like this is like a marathon.  I will need an audience for support encouragement, otherwise I could keep the project private, and can the whole thing without fear of failure. Let's do this! Start your own 365 project!